Sunday, May 13, 2012

Review: City of Ashes

I'm not sure if it's a sign of a good series or a bad one, that 400 pages later, I can't really remember everything that's happened in the book. The lines between each book blur and I finished the second novel eager to get into the third, but also a bit confused.

This is where writing a review becomes difficult. A lot happened. Can I tell you about it? Not really. I moved through the book as quickly as time will allow me right now. There were some exciting plot twists and emotionally charged scenes. And I will certainly read through the rest of the series. But not right now.

I'm going to take a one book break and switch to another series I started last November: The Inn Boons Boro Trilogy by Nora Roberts. This was not an easy decision, but given how my brain has mushed together the first couple Mortal Instruments novels I think a break is called for. Plus, there are so many more MI books (3 more so far since the latest was just released a few weeks ago!) I'd have never gotten to the Roberts book if I had to read through 1200 more pages of the Jace-Clary-Simon saga.
My book stack is rapidly growing now that I've recommitted myself to a reading lifestyle, and I find myself unable to wait to dig in to some more Nora. So, enjoy your books and I'll be sure to enjoy mine!

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